Back to School Barbecue Giving a boost to school-age youth, distributing
school supplies and encouraging them to succeed.
Parents and Children’s Walk for Peace a “peace walk” through Dorchester’s Upham’s Corner neighborhood,
bringing together community members, public officials, and supporters
to celebrate life, honor those lost, and call for peace on the streets.
Christmas with Bobby An annual celebration for neighborhood children; this past Christmas
more than 100 children and family members attended, enjoying gifts
from Santa, a Cape Verdean luncheon, music, and a good time for all!
Success Buttons “Buttons” created for neighborhood children and youth
celebrating their successes in school and graduations.
Survivor Support and Grief Counseling Isaura meets with families and loved ones of those lost
to violence, providing empathy and understanding.
Bobby Mendes Peace Legacy 20th Anniversary Matthew
Courage Awards Dinner
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Atlant Music-Luisa and Bino Barros

Bowdoin St Health Center

Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative

Eastern Bank

Floyd Williams Funeral Home

Humphrey Street Studios

ICNA Relief: Charity Arm of the Islamic Circle of North America

Louis D. Brown Peace Institute

Lenny Zakim Fund

Project Hope

Massachusetts Alliance of Portuguese Speakers


Maxwell Community Business Park

Maxwell Flea Market

Radio Nha Terra

Restaurante Cesaria’s

The Martin Richard Foundation

Sovereign Bank

The Vine Street Community Center

The Riley Foundation Family Strengthening Small Grants Fund

St Peter’s Parish

St Peter’s Parish

Toys for Tots

The Lauren Dunne Astley Memorial Fund

Upham’s Corner Health Cente

Wainwright Bank Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department