
to our generous sponsors, supporters, and collaborators.We couldn’t do it without you!

Bowdoin St Health Center

Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative

Eastern Bank

Floyd Williams Funeral Home

Massachusetts Alliance of Portuguese Speakers

Restaurante Cesaria’s

Sovereign Bank

The Vine Street Community Center

The Lauren Dunne Astley Memorial Fund

Upham’s Corner Health Cente

Atlant Music-Luisa and Bino Barros

ICNA Relief: Charity Arm of the Islamic Circle of North America

Louis D. Brown Peace Institute

Lenny Zakim Fund

Project Hope

Radio Nha Terra

St Peter’s Parish

The Martin Richard Foundation

The Riley Foundation Family Strengthening Small Grants Fund

Toys for Tots

To our generous
sponsors, supporters, and collaborators.
We couldn’t do it without you!

The Vine Street Community Center
The Martin Richard Foundation
The Lauren Dunne Astley Memorial Fund

The Riley Foundation Family Strengthening Small Grants Fund

Bowdoin St Health Center

ICNA Relief: Charity Arm of the Islamic Circle of North America

Upham’s Corner Health Center
Lenny Zakim Fund
Floyd Williams Funeral Home

Project Hope

Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative
Louis D. Brown Peace Institute

Massachusetts Alliance of Portuguese Speakers

Radio Nha Terra
Sovereign Bank
Toys for Tots
Eastern Bank

Atlant Music-Luisa and Bino Barros
Restaurante Cesaria’s
St Peter’s Parish

Generous individual contributions
and support from our local community

Generous individual contributions
and support from our local community!